چهارچوب توسعۀ میان افزا در بافت های تاریخی بررسی موردی: دستور کار طراحی سایت ایلچی خان در بافت تاریخی یزد
Infill Development in Historic Urban Quarters Case Study: Urban Design Brief in Ilchi khan in Historic Urban Quarters of Yazd

توسعههای میانافزا در بافتهای تاریخی با دوگانگی متناقضِ توسعه و حفاظت مواجه است که با تخطی از یکی، دیگری به چالش کشیده میشود. نخستین پرسش برای مداخله در بافتهای تاریخی، فرآورده و فرآیند توسعههای جدید در آنهاست. در توسعههای میانافزا چه باید ساخت و «اقتضای بافت تاریخی» باید چگونه لحاظ گردد؟ کاربست توسعه میانافزا در احیای بافت تاریخی ابتدا باید با تعریف و سپس گونهشناسی انواع آن آغاز شود. بدین منظور پیشینۀ نظری به دنبال چیستی، چرایی و چگونگی توسعه میانافزا و پیشینۀ عملی به دنبال تجارب داخلی و خارجی آن است. ترکیب گفتمان توسعۀ بافت تاریخی و اقدامات متخصصان در هدایت و کنترل آن با نظریه کل رشدیابنده کریستوفر الکساندر، چارچوبی عملیاتی- تحلیلی برای توسعههای میانافزا در بافتهای تاریخی را فراهم مینماید. بر مبنای این چارچوب، توسعه میانافزا در بافتهای تاریخی باید همپیوند با زمینۀ آن بوده، در بافت تاریخی یزد باید تفسیری از این همپیوندی در لایههای فرم شهرِ تاریخی یزد (ماهوی) و نیز محیطهای مرتبط (رویهای) با آن باشد. این همپیوندی برای سایت ایلچیخان بهصورت ویژه از طریق اصول و رهنمودهایی جهت نیل به توسعۀ همپیوندِ میانافزا در بافت تاریخی یزد محقق میگردد.
Mehr News Agency (Friday, February 17, 2012): "on the verge of New Year guests, eight hectares of historic urban quarters of Yazd were destroyed by the municipality to provide parking!" Annually, wide areas of historical urban quarters are renovated for different reasons such as collapse of old buildings, purchase and demolition of old parcels by the city developers for providing green space or parking per capita and clearing within aggregation projects, parks and parking lots in neighborhoods. Regardless of reasons for destruction of the segments in historical fabrics, the basic question ahead is regarding the quality of existing infill development. What should be built? And how? Unsuccessful aggregation projects such as apartments, numerous parking lots within the neighborhoods and small parks in historic fabric of Yazd are some examples of undesirable answer to these questions, regardless of the good infill development practices that generally had adverse impacts. Infill developments in historical urban quarter generally face a contradictory duality of development and conservation, which competes against each other. Inattention to urban design quality in the historical fabric in the form of unjustified interventions, not only will deteriorate the design of the historical fabrics, but also will cause a gradual destruction of its physical identity. Understanding the spatial, temporal and thematic necessity of infill development in the valuable historical fabric brings up the importance of this tool. Using urban design brief can be a way to achieve high quality urban design through infill developments. Urban design briefs derived from the principles of historical fabric’s identity, enriched with a holistic approach towards historical fabric, as an effective tool, can provide this assurance that during sustainable revival, in addition to maintaining physical identity, the historical fabric will continue its growing life. The theoretical section of this paper is searching for the role of infill development literature and its trends, i.e. what, why and how to do infill development in urban intervention and regeneration. The practical section deals with the experience of experts in the field of infill development control, and collects practical recommendations in three categories, i.e. historical and site-specific, non-historical and site-specific, and topic-specific. Combination of expert’s discussions and actions in guiding and control of infill development and the Christopher Alexander's theory of “growing whole” provides an operational-analytical framework. Based on this framework, infill development in historic urban quarters shall be integrated with the surrounding fabric, and in historic urban quarters of Yazd, interpretation of this integration shall be performed regarding different layers of historical urban forms of Yazd (substantial) and related environments (procedural). Integration for infill development in Ilchi Khan can be achieved by considering the design principles and guidelines on land use, movement and access, physical forms, public spaces, urban landscape, and at social, economic, civil and organizational -implementing layers.

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