معماری و MBTI؛ بررسی شیوه استفاده از شخصیت شناسی و ویژگیهای شخصیتی کاربر فضا در طراحی مسکن
Architecture and MBTI; Investigation of How the Use of The Characterology and Personality Type of the Space User in Housing Design

با هدف برقراری ارتباط هرچه بهتر میان معماری و انسان، نگاه به معماری از زاویه روانشناسی- بهویژه شخصیتشناسی- اهمیتی روزافزون یافته است. واکنشهای متفاوت افراد در برابر یک اثر معماری، از تفاوت در نگرش و طرز تفکر افراد ناشی میشود و شناخت زاویه نگاه و درک هرچه بهتر مطالبات انسان، راهگشای این ارتباط است. در این تحقیق از دریچه تیپهای شخصیتی MBTI – نمایانگر گرایشات مادرزادی و غیراکتسابی افراد- به معماری نگاه شده که میتواند اطلاعاتی صحیح و بیواسطه در اختیار طراح قرار دهد، معیاری اصولی فارغ از سلیقه تکبعدی برای طراحی باشد و پیشبینی نتیجه طرح را نیز امکانپذیر سازد. جهت بررسی دقیقتر، دو تیپ از 16 تیپ شخصیتی (INTJ و ESFP) مورد کنکاش قرارگرفتهاند. روش تحقیق مورد استفاده، روش همبستگی است که در آن، متغیر مستقل، شخصیت افراد و متغیر وابسته، انتخابها در فضای معماری میباشد و تحلیل آماری نتایج به وسیله آزمون پیرسون و پایایی درونی پرسشنامه معماری از طریق آلفای کرونباخ در SPSS انجام گرفته است. نتایج بهدستآمده، نشاندهنده همبستگی مثبت میان ترجیحات و انتخابها در فضا میباشد. بنابراین، ویژگیهای شخصیتی کاربران فضا میتواند به عنوان پیشزمینه نگرش شخصیت شناسانه به معماری، هدایتگر معمار به طراحی فضای مطلوبتر، همراه با رضایتمندی بیشتر از سوی مخاطب باشد.
A psychological approach to architecture, especially ‘Characterology’, with the aim of establishing a better relationship between architecture and the human has become increasingly important. The various attitudes and different opinions of people, when faced with an architectural work, with the assumption of independence of thought, represents the being alive of thought and the difference in angles attitudes and ideologies of people. Whatever recognition of the various aspects of human existence and his architectural perspective would be obtained better and more precise, naturally, better understanding of the human needs and demands will be created. Better understanding alongside the proper implementation of architecture leads to desirable features of space in itself, and provides satisfaction to the users. Several studies with different titles including ‘participatory design’ have been carried out to improve the relationship between human and environment in recent decades, but they have not achieved the predicted success, due to the inability to accurately recognize the real needs of space users; it should be mentioned that most needs are mental and emotional and are hidden from sight in the unconscious of person. The Myers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instrument is the most trusted and widely used personality assessment test in the world and it is one form of personality recognition based on Carl Gustav Jung's theory of personality. In fact, ‘personality type’ is congenital and non-acquisitive tendency in every human that determines the values, desires, thoughts and actions of each human being. In this category, there are 16 personality types based on 4 dichotomous personality preferences that can be identified as motivation factors and inner desires of human in 4 preferences including: “energy orientation” - Extraversion & Introversion-, “information gathering” - Sensing & iNtuition, “decision making” - Thinking & Feeling, and “lifestyle” - Judging & Perceiving. The MBTI, as the most prestigious categorization of personality types, can give correct and unmediated information that could be basic criteria apart, from the one-dimensional taste for designing, to predict the outcome of the project. In this study, architecture was evaluated to check that whether there is a link between personality types and selection of architectural space. For deeper investigation, two of the 16 personality types, “INTJ” - Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging and “ESFP” - Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving -, were examined. The research method is correlation, so the relation between two variables is evaluated. The independent variable is personality type and the selections in architectural space were considered the dependent variable. Statistical analysis was performed by the Pearson test in SPSS software also the reliability of architecture questionnaire by Cronbach's alpha is done in SPSS software. The results indicate a positive correlation between each of the preferences with selections in the space, so this is the correct way to encounter space and undoubtedly the personality profile of the space user has a scientific functionality as a background of Characterological approach to guide the designer to create options that are more likely to satisfy the user.

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