دهکدۀ کودکان
Children's Village

The idea of this project was to create a summer holiday camp for orphans.
اطلاعات کلی
We were assigned to program and plan the whole operation for the client. Looking at the orphanage as an institution, we discovered an archaism in transition. Total segregation of boys and girls from society and each other at early ages was a prominent feature. After investigation, we realized that the ideas most little boys and girls have were quite foreign to these children. The orphans grew up within rigid institutional boundaries and often did not have the chance of mixing with the adjacent urban environment. Consequently, their vision of the outside world was often incomplete and incoherent. Against this background, we tried to program a summer camp which would not only mix young boys and girls together, but also children from different orphanages throughout the country. This was an attempt to break not only institutional isolation, but also to integrate them on regional and ethnic levels. With this idea in mind, we planned and programmed the Shahsavar project. I should add that later the whole institution of orphanages in Iron was modernized and up-dated on a par with their western counterparts. Orphanages were transformed primarily into children's dormitories After making the program, the ideal seemed to be to create a little village consisting of small hotels (dormitories), restaurant (cafeteria), cinema, theater (assembly halls) and other collective functions such as a library, art studios, a clinic, and so forth. We tried to give each function to a single building, creating a more appropriate scale as well as diversity. The result was a small village green articulated and surrounded with buildings. We used the vernacular architecture of the Caspian Sea area, which is a temperate zone with high percentage of rainfall. Unlike the rest of Iran, nature here is lush and green.