استراحتگاه صنعت نفت
Mahmoud-abad Summer Resort

The National Iranian Oil Company had a small summer camp for its employees on the shore of the Caspian Sea at Mahmoud-Abad.
اطلاعات کلی
The oil fields being in the south of Iran where the temperature becomes unbearable during the summer months, the camp was an ideal refuge and rest place. The Caspian shore is isolated by the Alborz mountain range from the rest of the country and is delightful with its soft air, ample rainfall and green environment.
Oil being the dominant industry in Iran, the prosperous company decided to extend its facilities to 6,000 beds and also to provide camp facilities for the children of oil workers. The project went to competition and we won the commission.
The linear facade was broken down angularly to increase the length of th linear structure and also to create vertical edges to the sea and sky, thus dramatizing the monotonous shore line. We programmed the project into nine units, making three independent complexes with support facilities. The Pyramid-like buildings gradually de-elevated to ground level in order to duplicate mountains and diversify the visual comprehension of the complex.
This project is partially built.
1972 under construction!
The National Iranian Ol Campany had a small summer camp for its employees on the shore of the Caspian Sea at Mahmoud-abad. The oil fields being in the south of Iran where the temperature becomes unbearable during the summer months, the camp was an ideal refuge and rest place. The Caspian shore is isolated by the Alborz mountain range from the rest of the country and is delightful with its soft air, ample rainfal and green environment. Oil being the dominant industry in Iran, the prosperous company decided to extend its facilities to 6 000 beds and also to provide camp facilities for the children of oil workers. The project went to competition and we won the commission. Before the Mahmoud-abad project, my practice was personal and private bul was going through a period of transition. I went into partnership with three young engineers: D. Zargam, A. Amir-Rezvani and F. Sadeghi, creating the firm of DAZ. Zargam was a hard-pushing perfectionist and before leaving us played a very important role in building the firm to a new scale of operation appropriate for handling Mahmoud-abad which was practically a major resort town with shopping center, hospital, theater and cinemas, and sports fields. The Caspian coastline al Mahmoud-abad is almost flat with a few sand dunes on the beach and a straight shoreline. The rest of the land is forested and quite lush. The program generously called for all rooms to have a view of the sea and forest, at the samo time. We designed the whole complex with covered open-cir single loaded corridors providing north-south breeze circulation and view of the sea from each room. The linear facade was broken down angularly to increase the length of the linear structure and also to create vertical edges to the sea and sky, thus dramatizing the monotonous shore line. We programmed the project into nine units, making three independent complexes with support facilities. The pyramid-like buildings gradually de-elevated to ground level in order to duplicato mountains and diversify the visual comprehension of the complex