ارزیابی مؤلفه های مؤثر در نقش انگیزی و آسایش صوتی افراد در میدان نقش جهان اصفهان
Assessing the Effective Elements of Acoustic Comfort and Soundscape Imageability of Users in the Naghsh-e-Jahan Square, Isfahan

امروزه افزایش و تعدد منابع صوتی مانند صدای ناشی از ترافیک، فعالیتهای انسانی و صداهای مزاحم، منظر صوتی ناخوشایندی را ایجاد کرده است بهطوری که ادراک ذهنی صوتی مغشوشی را در شهروندان ایجاد میکند. میدان نقش جهان اصفهان بهعنوان یک فضای شهری از این امر مستثنی نیست و پتانسیلهای شنیداری بسیاری در آن شنیده میشود که ممکن است ادراک ناخوشایندی را از منظر صوتی میدان در بازدیدکنندگان ایجاد کند. هدف پژوهش حاضر ارزیابی ادراک افراد از منظر صوتی در میدان نقش جهان با رویکرد کیفی و تحلیلهای کمّی است. جهت ارزیابی کیفی، از پرسشنامههای سایکوآستیک برای ارزیابی ادراک مردم (گردشگران داخلی، گردشگران خارجی، اهالی اصفهان، فروشندگان و کسبه میدان نقش جهان) از کیفیت منظر صوتی استفاده شد. تعداد 385 پرسشنامه پس از آوابرداشت توسط افراد حاضر در محدوده تکمیل شد. نتایج حاصل از پرسشنامه ادراک افراد از فضای شنیداری میدان نقش جهان را در قالب اصوات خوشایند از جمله صدای کالسکۀ اسبها، صدای اذان، صدای فعالیتهایی مانند قلمزنی و همچنین اصوات ناخوشایند مانند صدای موتور و ماشین، صدای تأسیسات و تجهیزات محیط بیرونی نشان داد. همچنین مؤلفههای نقشانگیز همچون ریتمهای صوتی، هویت صوتی، اصوات نشانهای، اصوات پسزمینه و سیگنالهای صوتی را روشن کرد.
Nowadays, increasing and various sound sources such as traffic, human activities and disturbing sounds, have made a displeasing soundscape that leads to a turbulent perception of soundscape for people. These indicate the importance of paying attention to the soundscape quality in urban spaces. Naghsh-e-Jahan Square as an urban space is not an exception to this and there are variety of auditory potentials that can be heard so that may produce an unpleasant feeling of soundscape of square. Assessment and identification of pleasant and unpleasant sounds from the viewpoint of users including Iranian tourists, foreign tourists, merchants and Isfahan residents who visit the square is of great importance. In this regard this study aimed to assess the perception of people with regard to Naghsh-e-Jahan Square soundscape quality. This research is a practical and analytical research in terms of nature. For qualitative evaluation, first the researchers identified the sound sources via sound walks and recording. Psychoacoustic approach has been adopted in this research. Then, psychoacoustic questionnaires including four segments were used. Questionnaires include 4 parts: (1) personal information and the reason and number of visits, (2) pleasantness of sound sources, (3) open questions to identify the auditory imageability elements, and (4) semantic differential scale to assess the overall characteristics of soundscape in Naghshe-Jahan square. Totally, 385 questionnaires were filled by people in the square after sound walks. Sound walks have been performed on common week days in winter and spring 2016. Respondents were free to choose the desired path in the square but they had been asked to visit all of the spaces and parts of the square to have a comprehensive visit. Results revealed that soundscape quality of Naghsh-e-Jahan square is positive from user's perception. Results also showed the quality of Naghsh-e-Jahan square is affected by pleasant sounds such as horse carriage sound, Azan sound, activities such as metal artworks and unpleasant sounds such as motorcycle and cars noise, environmental equipment noise. To achieve a high quality soundscape, it is necessary to reduce unpleasant sounds and to increase the number and frequency of pleasant sounds. Auditory imageability elements were including: sound marks such as horse and carriage and metal art works sounds that were assessed positively by respondents. Sound signals included Azan, carriage and vehicles sounds, and vehicles sounds were assessed negatively by people. The vehicles noise should be eliminated or controlled. Keynotes were fountains and carriages and footsteps. This means that people hear foreground sounds more than background sounds. There is a need to make horse and carriage sound more distinct so that people can realize the background sounds and foreground sounds. Auditory rhythms included Azan and fountains. Preserving the Azan sound and rhythmic activity of fountains is of great importance. As a whole, results showed that people’s perception is the most important parameter in soundscape pleasantness. Achieving soundscape pleasantness and providing a design framework to enhance and reinforce positive soundscape requires further complimentary studies that can open new windows to this field of study.

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