بازشناسی اصول خانههای سنتی یزد در پاسخگویی به نیازهای اساسی روانشناختی؛ براساس تئوری برخاسته از زمینه
Recognition of Traditional Housing Yazd Principals in Responding to Basic Psychological Needs* According to the Grounded Theory

هدف پژوهش، دستیابی به بخشی از دانش کاربردی، برای پاسخگویی به نیازهای اساسی روانشناختی در معماری امروزی است. محقق از میان نیازهای روانشناختی، دو نیاز ابراز وجود و احراز وجود را مورد تأکید قرار داده و سعی کرده با روش «تئوری برخاسته از زمینه»، به شناسایی معیارهای خانههای سنتی یزد در پاسخگویی به این نیازها بپردازد؛ تا بتواند، ضمن تدوام ارزشهای معماری گذشته، معیارهای معماری سازگار با نیازهای انسان را تبیین کند. دادهها از طریق مصاحبههای عمیق با ادراککنندگان محیط بعنوان متخصصانی آشنا با فضاهای مورد بحث حاصل و با کدگذاری تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. یافتهها نشان میدهند بناهای سنتی، با ایجاد شرایطی چون«سازماندهی قلمرو شخصی»، «سازماندهی حس تعلق خاطر»، «سازماندهی تمرکز درونفردی» و «سازماندهی ارتباطات اجتماعی» به ترتیب زمینهساز پدیدههایی چون 1- آزادی عمل و استقلال فردی، کنترل حریم شخصی و میزان محرمیت؛ 2- پایبندی حسی، خوانایی فضا، همذاتپنداری با فضا؛ 3- آرامش ذهنی، تمرکز حواس 4- سلسله مراتب میزان محرمیت، دستهبندی انواع اجتماعات، افزایش اتحاد جمعی، کنترل، تسهیل و تقویت ارتباطات جمعی؛ شده که پیامدهایی چون«امنیت روانی»، «هویت بخشی»، «خودسازی» و «مشارکت مفید اجتماعی» داشته است. همچنین، راهکارهای بکار رفته در پاسخگویی به این نیازها نیز در طول تحقیق استخراج و ارائه شده است.
The purpose of research conducted which this paper resulted to acquire the applied knowledge to meet the needs of new housing in accordance with the basic psychological needs of the enriched architectural concepts of the past. This study seeks to address the basic needs of the psychological by relying on the fact that traditional architecture always seeks the protection of human existence. We have tried to evaluate the traditional houses of Yazd to meet basic psychological needs consider that including the need to assert themselves the interactions between the individual and the individual's presence in interactions, that can by recognition of traditional houses to meet the needs in addition to continuing of the architectural values taking is a step in the creation of sustainable living spaces to the psychological needs of its people, and it is creation of contemporary housing quality and promotion in relation to human. The present study is a qualitative approach based on theory rather than deductive method has been made on background. In this method, the researcher was attended in traditional housing Yazd for a year and a half. In addition, deals with parallel to record personal experiences related to the need to review the current depth interviews with residents of these homes. In addition, had tried to deal with during the interview process, the refinement of traditional houses in the city of Yazd meet the basic needs of their psychological. In this study, the researcher to deep study and the possibility of continuous presence in the studied eight of the traditional house which is now used as a department of art and architecture. After in-depth and free interviews with current residents of the traditional housing Yazd, he analyzes the data obtained with a systematic approach that includes open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The results show that traditional housing Yazd by creating the conditions as: “organization of personal domain”, “organization of fixation”, “organization of the individual focus “and “organization social communications” marshal caused phenomena as: 1- personal elbowroom and independence, personal adytum control and confidentiality matching whit needs 2- sensory dependency, homely space and symmetry whit space.3-mental calmness, concentration for thinking, 4-confidentiality hierarchy , filtering and controlling social relative, categorizing kinds of societies, collective union, facilitate and sustain of collective relations. These had results as “psychical security”, “identity”, “puppyish” and “useful social partnership”. Moreover, the results obtained in this study ,strategies used in traditional housing Yazd architecture to meet the needs of the research has been extracted, and can be used in the fields of design, education of students, and restoration of architectural criticism is also referenced. As well as, this research can be followed as a new research for affirming theories obtained in this paper and since research’s results obtained in a qualitative process, can be evaluated as a new hypothesis in a new study. As well as, since research’s results obtained in a qualitative process, can be evaluated as a new hypothesis in a new study

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