بازآفرینی بافت قدیم شهر آمل مبتنی بر استراتژی توسعه گردشگری و برنامهریزی راهبردی سناریویی
Regenerating Amol's Old Fabric Based on Tourism Development Strategy (TDS) and Scenario-Based Strategic Planning

بافت قدیم آمل دارای پتانسیل های ارزشمند برای گسترش گردشگری بهمنظور توسعه پایدار است. در این مقاله، ابتدا به شناسایی مؤلفه های تأثیرگذار بر بازآفرینی بافت قدیم آمل مبتنی بر توسعه گردشگری شهری پرداخته و چارچوب نظری استراتژی توسعه گردشگری ارائهشده است. نتایج حاصل از مبانی نظری نشان میدهد که مؤلفههای اساسی توسعه گردشگری شامل مؤلفه های استراتژیک نظیر کسب وکار، رخدادهای خاص، جاذبههای کالبدی، خردهفروشی و فرهنگ و مؤلفه های زیرساختی و امکانات رفاهی پشتیبان نظیر خدمات رفاهی و پذیرایی، حمل ونقل و دسترسی و آموزش و اطلاعرسانی هستند. با بهکارگیری این مؤلفهها در قالب فرآیند پیشنهادی پژوهش، شناخت آنها در بافت قدیم آمل و تحلیل دادهها با استفاده از تکنیک SWOTET، زمینه برای تدوین مسیرهای راهنمای کلیدی توسعه گردشگری فراهم آمد. درنتیجه پنج مسیر کلیدی بر اساس نظر بهرهوران کلیدی تدوین و با استفاده از روش ویکور رتبهبندی گردید. ماهیت این مسیرها نشان میدهد که در بافت قدیم آمل، مؤلفههای مکانی (نظیر جاذبه های تاریخی و مذهبی و فضاهای میزبانی از نمایشگاهها و رخدادها)، مؤلفه های اقتصادی (نظیر بازار و خردهفروشی) و مؤلفه های فرهنگی، بیشترین تأثیر را بر توسعه گردشگری آن دارند. در ادامه بر اساس ماهیت سه مسیر کلیدی اول، چشمانداز مشترک توسعه تدوین و متناظراً برای تفسیر آن سناریویهای گردشگری، اهداف، راهبردها، سیاست ها و اقدامات مربوطه طراحی گردید.
An urban regeneration project is defined as a series of actions determined to accomplish urban regeneration aims that lead to reduce the problems of an area via improving the socioeconomic, physical and environmental conditions. Today, urban regeneration is one of key principles in act of planning and it is beyond the urban renewal, urban redevelopment or urban rehabilitation processes because of its longer-term and strategic approaches and its socioeconomic goals beside physical ones. The governance's policies show that urban tourism has been seen as an important tool to regenerate the cities has been faced declining. So, in this situation, urban tourism development can be the catalyst of radical changes in the city's economy. It means urban tourism often is applied for motivating economic regenerating in cities because the tourism can increasingly offer major employment. In many of famous cities around the world that are taken account as the main tourism center, in fact, their historical spaces and inner cities play as a center to attract tourists and city branding. Thus, improving and addressing to these spaces can be play a key role to develop local economic based on urban tourism. In Iran, there are a lot of old and historical cities in scale of medium and they often have many historical spaces. But, these spaces have been destroying due to negligence of them. Also, Amol city has similarly contained these problems. Amol's old fabric has several valuable potentials such as historical monuments, Straights-Markets, 12 Cheshme Bridge, Haraz River and etc. to develop tourism in order to sustainable development. In this article, it first was addressed to identify influence components on regeneration of Amol's old fabric based on urban tourism development and then, to present a theoretical framework of Tourism Development Strategy (TDS). The results of theoretical foundations are shown that the fundamental components for developing tourism include strategic components such as business, events, attractions, retail and culture; and components of infrastructures and amenities for supporting tourism such as public services and catering, transportation-accessibility and education-information. The background was provided for developing key TDSs by applying these components in form of the research conceptual model (TDS process), identifying them in Amol's old fabric and analyzing data using SWOTET technique (The acronym 'SWOTET' means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, Events and Trends). Thus, five key guidelines were formulated by key stakeholder's opinions and were prioritized by VIKOR method. Essences of strategies show that locational components (religious and historical attractions and hosting spaces of exhibitions and events), economical components (market and retail) and cultural components have most impact on tourism development in Amol's old fabric. Subsequently, the shared vision was formulated based on essences of three first key guidelines, and similarly, three scenarios that include leisure and business tourism, retail tourism and religious tourism were designed for interpreting the shared vision. The aims, strategies, policies and action plan were offered for each of the scenarios to be regenerated Amol's old fabric through tourism in long-term (Ten years).

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