ارزیابی عملکرد مدیریت محله محور با تأکید بر شاخصههای سرمایه اجتماعی مورد پژوهی: محلات 7 گانه ناحیه 1 منطقه 21 شهرداری تهران
Function Evaluation of Community Management by Focus in Indicators of Social Capital Case Study: 7 Community of District 1, Region 21 Tehran

از اواسط دهه1980 میلادی تاکنون توجه عمده مدیریت شهری بر ظرفیت سازی محلی، تقویت رویکرد نهادی- سازمانی و در نهایت حرکت از نوعی مدیریت متمرکز به مدیریت محلی معطوف شده است. بنابراین لزومِ«استفاده از ظرفیتهای محلهای» و«بازتعریف نقش بازیگران و کنشگران مدیریت شهری» در سطح محلهای، شناخت مفهوم«سرمایه اجتماعی» و کارکردهای آن را در سطح محلی ضروری ساخته و به شکل گیری و اجرای الگویی جدید از مدیریت شهری در سطح محلات به عنوان «مدیریت محله محور» کمک کرده است. هدف این پژوهش این است که با تأکید بر شاخصههای سرمایه اجتماعی، عملکرد مدیریت محله محور در سطح محلات 7گانه ناحیه1 شهرداری منطقه 21 تهران ارزیابی شود. بر این اساس، دربخش مبانی نظری که شامل ارائه مفاهیم«مدیریت محله محور»،«سرمایه اجتماعی» و«ارزیابی عملکرد مدیریت محله محوربا تأکید بر شاخصه های سرمایه اجتماعی» است؛ از روش تحلیل داده های ثانویه(اسنادی) استفاده شده است و در بخش شناخت وتحلیل از روش«پیمایش» استفاده می شود. نتایج حاصل از پیمایش در محدوده پژوهش نشان میدهد که بین سرمایه اجتماعی و مدیریت محلهمحور، همبستگی مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد. کسب بیشترین امتیاز در بعد سرمایه اجتماعی شناختی توسط شاخص آگاهی، نشان از تلاشهایی داشته که در سطح محلات توسط مدیریت محله محوردر راستای اطلاع رسانی صورت گرفته است.
Since the middle of 1980 the main focus of urban management is on the community potential making, improve the institutional-organizational approach and movement from a centralize management to a community base management. So it is needed to use from community potentials and redefine the designation of urban management players in community level to shape and implement a new method of urban management; as community-based management. It is so related to define the social capital concept and its functional base in local level to find how it can help the community-based management indeed. It is important that community base management work appropriate to improve the potentials of development .So establishing a performance appraisal system to evaluate it, may lead to better output. The social capital point of view when is defined in community, citizen is defined as a "capital" and it means the opportunity of doing task and participate volunteering to improve the function. In order to improve effectiveness and efficiency in local scale as named "community", it is important to do evaluate the community base management function. In other word tend to the role of "community" as "the basis of citizens interaction" and "the community- base management "as" the cooperator and guider of citizen potential and capitals" to defense the urban challenges it is needed to use social capital. Then to reach the point, it is needed to improve the basis of knowledge, trust, coherent and citizen participation and use social capital in community. The research goal is to evaluate the performance of community management by focus in indicators of social capital in 7 community of district 1 from region 21 Tehran. It does make a great attention from people of those residential places that are far from Tehran to participate in. This way we can ask that how social capital can improve "community base management" level? In this article we are trying to define community-based management, social capital and evaluate the function of community management by focus in indicators of social capital. The methodology for doing this research is descriptive and analytic as well as surveying method. Regarding the type, this research can be categorized as a functional one and it is a covariance research. According to the results of this survey, there is direct relationship between community-based management and social capital in district 1 of region 21.the top rate in cognition social capital for knowledge refers to the community- based management attempts to do information around the communities. Therefore, improve the level of social capital can help to improve the level of best function in community base management. So the suggestion emphasis on improving the efficiency and effectiveness in community base level by redefining the management structures, increase the level of citizen participation by defining new activities, improving the honesty, trust, knowledge, coherent by means of preparing places to get together more and make more events in local level and set out the report on how community is managing and what is needed to be better is needed.

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