ساختمان آماج درمان
Amaj Darman Project

This Project is a Surgery room calibration, which is located in Pardis Technology Park, 20 km from North-East of Tehran. It is a 450 sqm building in a 500 sqm land.The policy for creating the park was a township with architectural values. Therefore,a list of well-known architects was presented to the clients who intended to construct a project in their property.
تیم پروژه
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There are a series of issues involved in every architectural project. Here I have tried to address some of them such as nature, function, space, region, plans, and technique.
In my opinion, every building needs to be a natural object as well as being a building. I do not believe in designing a building that is an exact copy of a rock or a tree which is nowadays a tendency between some architects. On the other side, most of the common and ordinary buildings in our cities do not have any relationship with the nature. Therefore I tried to come up with a solution in between. As a result, the produced form is not as natural as a rock or a tree, it has a proper harmony with mountains in the context though. Actually, in nature forms have not so specific shape and I tried to have such a form in my project with deformation of common cubic forms.
The program of the building is a surgery room calibration and its office. The site is located in the centre of the medical department of the town. The ground floor is allocated for laboratory, warehouse, and parking lots and all administrative spaces are located in first floor. The access to the first floor and ground floor was separated by a long ramp since the laboratory is meant to be a safe and isolated area and is better to have a private entrance. Besides that, the rampalso provides an easy access to first floor, making the occupants feel like this is ground floor but with a better view and light.
Movement and space
In my opinion a better understanding of space is always achieved when either the user is in motion or the design has dynamic spaces.
The building is influenced by the so called ramp which is in a zigzag manner; and a sense of constant travel is repeated in its form. The result is a dynamic form with pulsing internal spaces which is also in coordination with the building’s function. In other words, if we assume that a surgery room is the beating heart of a hospital, this project will be the beating heart of the medical department of this site.
The main characteristic of the local buildings is their pitched roof. The same style has been used for this project. However, to avoid the roofs looking so separated from the building below, the overall roof cover was extended over the walls to achieve a unified form that is very active and dynamic.
In planning, I tried to distribute spaces so that the fluency and fluidity can be observed from inside and out. In this regards, if a person starts to move from the beginning of the ramp towards the building, a while after entering from an unexpected and unnoticeable entrance, they may not be able to figure out where they are. This may remind us the Mobius strip or klien bottle in which there is no border between inside and outside.
Since advanced building techniques are not practiced in this region, I decided to use prefabricated construction methods for most parts of the building especially the structure.
In total, as it is seen my attempt has been putting together some of the main design aspects to achieve a project that represent a dynamic and energetic space which is also harmonic with the context and has a proper relationship with its function.