باغ جنت
Bagh Jannat

تیم پروژه
مهدی حسین زاده
فرید عرب زاده، م. نیلی پور
سروش صالحی
پناه نفیسی، آرمان کجباف زاده
مهدی هلاکویی، شادی محمدی، بهاره سعادت فرد، مارال شکرانی، پریسا حق شناس
اطلاعات کلی
Baghjanat alley inside Abbasabad district is one of the oldest Isfahan wealthy neighborhoods. Which you can rarely find a trace of the big green gardens and their palaces as all of them vanished and became new apartments in transition of modernism through the past 50 years. A mixture of heterogeneous buildings with different styles , heights , and densities are result of this transition and regulation changes. Among these dense buildings it is hard to find a single housing or small lot to develop as Baghjanat is one of the few.
This three level building complies the height limit of 7 meter and appears one store height from the ground.
The mass of the building is shaped regarding the design codes regulations and constrains, with and attempt to provide desirable light and privacy. The setback in upper stair in response to regulations , defines the enterancein ground floor and enhances the continuity of alley's façade. The building receives proper daylight from northern and western voids and also from set back in the second floor.
The path in north and south of site is connected visually by making a gap between the building and west wall, moreover this opening provides light for interior spaces and the windows in this façade make air condition in the second floor and extension of inner view and light in ground floor.
The site is located at the turn point of the alley and the possibility of lacking privacy by the adjacent buildings and dominance of their view to the inner spaces and the need of creating an introverted place for client lead the design to have a semi-transparent façade. To continue on the brick line of neighbor’s buildings the wood stripes covering openings and windows in combination with light crème travertine all together helps it to place in the context of the neighborhood.