گالری کفش فرشتگان
Fereshtegan II' Shoes Gallery

معمار مسئول :
عليرضا امتياز
نوع پروژه :
اطلاعات کلی
سال :
دوره تاریخی :
جمهوری اسلامی
کاربری :
تجاری، فروشگاه
آدرس :
ایران، فارس، شیراز
This 600 square meters complex, in two floors, is dedicated to the sale of leather products. While designing the complex an attempt was put to provide products in variety of orders in a unique, luxurious and modern space. All the desks and sofas are specifically designed for this project; they are rare and handmade and made from carbon fibers. In the design of the complex, due to its various functions, harmony in form and visual diversity were very much considered.
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