مدرسه ابتدایی گروه 2 مؤسسه خیریه فرهنگی-آموزشی نور مبین

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موسسه خیریه نور مبین
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When we think of education, the classical form of schools and educational system comes into mind. Most of the people believe that a serious learning only takes place at that classical system. Some others believe that learning can take place anywhere! There is no single answer to the question of what Education is, yet we can consider the ultimate purpose of education. Noormobin Educational Complex has emphasized on the freedom of students by providing an open educational space and a distinctive educational system. The ultimate goal of this group is to bring up decent citizens and boosting capabilities and talents. It’s not important that what people know as a stored knowledge, but what they can do and how they would perform. The site is located in a 28 hectares area, an outlying district of Bastaam, in Semnan Province. The site has a comprehensive plan including different functions that come together to shape Noormobin Educational Complex. In designing the school, we came to face a program, which is different from the schools we have experienced and seen so far; a distinct educational structure; another experience of building invisibility and converting a building into a landscape. An “alternative perspective” toward an educational space in which the opposing voids and valid spaces come together to bring about a sense of place, independence and uniqueness; by replicating the program in specific forms, the educational building has been spread out and elaborated as an educational neighborhood. This educational neighborhood works out as a city neighborhood, including various views and landscapes, green spaces, playgrounds and rest spaces. The neighborhood presents this variety of options via its different spots. By dividing landscape to different levels (sports, educational and environmental), students get different views through their disposition.