تاثیر کالبد فضاهای عمومی بر احساس امنیت اجتماعی زنان بررسی تطبیقی در دومجموعه مسکونی با الگوی متفاوت (متعارف و بلند مرتبه)
The Impact of Public Spaces Form on Women Social Security Sense Comparative Study in Two Different Residential Patterns

امنیت از مهم ترین توقعات برای زندگی مطلوب در شهرهاست. جنسیت مهم ترین عامل شخصیتی در درک امنیت محسوب میشود. احساس امنیت اجتماعی از مولفه های سرزندگی فضاهای عمومی محسوب میشود، فقدان احساس امنیت زنان در فضاهای باز عمومی شهرها بالاخص محلات مسکونی منجر به کاهش سرزندگی در این مکانها میشود. در این پژوهش با سنجش احساس امنیت زنان در دو نمونه موردی، فضاهایی که زنان ساکن در محله نارمک و شهرک اکباتان به ترتیب بیشترین و کمترین احساس امنیت را از حضور در آنها داشتند انتخاب شده و براساس معیارهای کالبدی منتخب از بررسی های نظری شامل اندازه فضا، فرم فضا، آسایش بصری و آسایش محیطی مورد تحلیل قرارگرفته اند. یافته های پژوهش نشان میدهد که ویژگیهای کالبدی در قالب این معیارها؛ در محله نارمک از عوامل بسیار موثر در بالا بودن احساس امنیت در فضاهای این محله است و در مقابل این ویژگی ها در شهرک اکباتان زمینه احساس ناامنی در فضاهای جمعی را مهیا نموده است. از طرف دیگر تفاوت الگوهای این دو مجموعه به سبب ایجاد ویژگیهای کالبدی متفاوت تا حدودی بر تفاوت احساس امنیت در فضاهای آنها موثر بودهاست ولی نمیتوان ادعا کرد که بلند مرتبه بودن یک مجموعه مسکونی دلیل بر کاهش احساس امنیت در فضاهای آن مجموعه است، بلکه به نظرمیرسد بلندمرتبهبودن، پتانسیل هایی برای کاهش احساس امنیت در مجموعه های مسکونی فراهم می آورد.
One of the most important sectors of each city where the citizens social interaction occur and urban life flow carry, are public spaces. One conditions for people presence in these spaces is securing their social security sense. Nowadays different factors such as cultural, social, economic and physical in cities public spaces, especially in big cities like Tehran, have cause abnormal social behaviors which are the most important consequences of these factor is the decrease in social security sense in public spaces. Physical abnormalities are such effective factor on reducing security sense of public spaces users. Gender has a considerable influence on the sense of social security sense and women are much more vulnerable than men. It is obvious the space which cannot absorb both gender and is evaluated as unsafe cannot be a warm, lively and vibrant space. In this research Narmak neighborhood and Ekbatan town which have respectively provided appropriate and inappropriate social security for the inhabitants, have been chosen as the case study of this research to study and analyze the rate of physical characteristics of public spaces impact on social safe sense in these two complexes and their impressibility of conventional and high rise residential patterns. In order to achieve this goal, after measurement of women security sense in the specified samples, spaces where women have the most security sense of presence in Narmak neighborhood and have the least sense security in Ekbatan town are chosen and analyzed based on selected physical criteria of theoretical reviews which consists of space size, space form, visual comfort and environmental comfort. All said criteria review and analysis in public spaces of case studies. In this paper has shunned presenting all findings of physical indices review in all components of public spaces and has limited to study important and effective criteria. Findings of survey in public spaces of Narmak and Ekbatan show that the most different at perception of women security sense in cases study is result of these two criteria, size and form of space and visual and environmental comfort. Research’s findings show that physical features according to the listed criteria are the effective factors in the increase of security sense in spaces of Narmak neighborhood. In contrary, these physical features reviewed in spaces of Ekbatan town as well, make the ground for insecurity sense. In other hand, different patterns of these two complexes which have caused variant physical features are partly being efficacious to feel different social security sense. However we cannot claim that security sense decrease in spaces of that residential complex is a result of being high rise, but it seems that being high rise, and provides potential for reducing security sense in residential complexes. Physical design of these complexes play important role in increasing the security sense of complexes residents. So that physical features which affect reducing crime-prone circumstances and increasing the security sense of residents should be concerned as a more highlighted and key role in the high- rise residential complexes than the conventional ones.

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