تحلیل نشانه شناختی سامانه مسکن ایرانی برپایه ارتباط لایه های متن/ مسکن
Semiology's Analysis of Iranians Housing System Based on Relations of Text/Housing Layers

از مسائل مطرح نشانه شناسیِ معماری، چگونگی ارتباط لایه های نشانه شناختیِ یک اثر معماری و تأثیر آن بر قوام یا زوال انسجام سامانه ایِ معماری می باشد. در این مقاله جهت تبیین این مسئله، ضمن تشریح مفاهیم نشانه شناسیِ شمایل، نمایه و نماد، رمزگان های سه گانه علمی، زیبایی شناختی و اجتماعی که متأثر از مفاهیم فوق هستند معرفی می گردند. سپس دو رویکرد مهم نشانه شناختی تحت عنوان مناسبات همنشینی و جانشینی (که به لحاظ زمانی می توان آنها را به همزمانی و درزمانی تعبیر نمود) تبیین و مشخص خواهد شد که لایه های متشکل از رمزگان ها، چگونه تحت این دو رویکرد سبب قوام یا زوال سامانه معماری خواهند شد. برای این امر، ضمن بهره گیری از مطالعات اسنادی و کتابخانه ای، تحلیل نشانه شناختی در مورد متن/مسکن ایرانی در دو بازه زمانیِ سنتی و معاصر اِعمال و مشخص خواهد شد که چگونه لایه های مختلف متن/مسکن سنتی، ارتباطی هم افزا داشته و بالعکس در مسکن معاصر ایرانی، نتایج حاصل از مناسبات همزمانی و درزمانیِ این لایه ها، انسجام زداییِ سامانه مسکن بوده است. در بخش پایانی مقاله نیز تشریح خواهد شد که شرط لازم برای تقویت انسجام سامانه مسکن ایرانی، تناسب و توازن در تغییرات همزمانی و درزمانیِ لایه های مختلف متن/مسکن می باشد.
One of the issues in theory field of architecture semiotic which has been considered in recent decades is how different layers of a contextual architecture work together and the effect of this cooperation on consolidation or fall in solidarity of architecture system. To specify this subject it is essential to know about classification of triple conceptions' semiotic named Icon, Index, Symbol and their criteria. In this article by specifying these conceptions in a simple way, the authors will introduce the triple mysteries of scientific, aesthetic and social which are formed by these triple conceptions. Scientific mysteries are derived from logical experiences while aesthetic mysteries naturally have an iconic manner and are derived from emotional experiences and there are social mysteries which are between them and they are derived from logical-emotional experiences. As the extent usage of these three groups of mysteries, it will be explained that aesthetic mysteries and social mysteries are nearer to the field of art and architecture. Then two important approaches in semiotic will be specified named relations of syntagm and paradigm (we can mean them in the basis of time : synchronic and diachronic) in addition how layers which have been formed from triple mysteries and have been influenced by the two approaches will play a role in consolidation or fall in solidarity of architecture system. Syntagm relations are those which consist of plus and elimination rules in architecture system and in the basis of time and place they are performed in a horizontal axis although the paradigm relations, which use relocation and replacement rules, cause changing in layers and also in architecture mysteries and they are performed in vertical axis. We can define this subject when we assume the architecture like a text and so the role of user is reviewing the signs which are formed the contextual architecture. In order to this, the authors select a syllogistic approach and study the process of reviewing about Iranian text/housing particularly in two periods: traditional and contemporary. The method to extract the data in this research is documents studies. The authors have utilized interpretive-historical research in the first gathering stage of data. Moreover the authors have used logical-argumentation research in analysis stage and judgment of data. In the conclusion it will be specified that the result of harmony in layers that carry out architecture mysteries in synchronic and diachronic relations is making tissues in text/housing system. It also help to make the system stronger as if due to the evidences that will be presented, these making tissues is traceable in traditional housing, but in Iranian contemporary housing because of disharmony, inappropriate and imbalance changes of mysteries and different layers of ideological, aesthetic, structural and etc. the result of layers' relations is deconstruction for solidarity of housing system. In the last part of the article it will be noted that the parallel changes' layers of text/housing is prerequisite for improving the Iranian housing system but not an efficient requisite and it is essential to attend and realize some other requisites for rising values in Iranian housing

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