باز زنده سازی در تقابل دو رویکرد جایگزینی اقشار اجتماعی و ماندگاری ساکنین (مطالعه موردی: محله اوچدکان اردبیل)
Revitalization in Contras t between Gentrification and Persis ting Residents Approach(Case Study: Ouchdokan Quarter)

ترک ساکنین بومی و اصلی محله های تاریخی و قدیمی شهر و جایگزینی مهاجرین با سطح درآمد پایین پیامدهایی چون شکل گیری کانونهای بزهکاری، بحران هویت، توسعه افقی شهر، ایجاد شهرک های پیرامونی و حومه ای، مشکل تامین زیرساخت ها را به دنبال دارد. بنابراین ضرورت دارد در تقابل دو رویکرد جایگزینی اقشار اجتماعی و ماندگاری آنها مطلوبترین رویکرد بازسازی بکار گرفته شود. این پژوهش برآن است که این مسئله را در محله اوچدکان اردبیل بررسی کند. ار نظر روشناسی بر اساس ماهیت پژوهش از نوع کاربردی و بر اساس هدف از نوع توصیفی – موردی و علی است. در گرداوری داده ها از روش اسنادی و مشاهدات میدانی و در تجریه تحلیل داده ها از روش t تک نمونه ای و آمار توصیفی استفاده شده است. از نتایج پژوهش می توان به ساخت اجتماعی و ساخت اقتصادی همگن در محله، کم بودن شکاف اجاره املاک و شکاف قیمت املاک در محله اشاره نمود.
As the local and original residents of his torical neighborhoods of a city leaves the dis tricts and they are replaced by low-income migrants, many problems are observed in the city. The mos t important of these problems are included development of criminal centers, identity crisis, horizontal development of city, the creation of the periphery and suburb towns, and challenges in infras tructure development. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the bes t res tructuring s trategy to the two conflict approaches of Gentrification and Persis ting residents. The problem can be observed in the old his toric neighborhood of Ochdokan, Ardabil. The Ochdokan is one of the six old urban neighborhoods of Ardabil. There are some valuable and important his torical monuments in the neighborhood. The residents of the neighborhood are unsatisfied because of its location, excessive crowd in daytime, physical outwearing environment, inefficient urban networks, unsuitable land uses, and incompetent s tructure to meet daily needs. The nonsatisfaction leads the residents to leave the area. The objective of this research is to address the problem in Ochdokan. This is an applied research in the nature of the s tudy. In terms of purpose, this s tudy is a causal and descriptive-analytical inves tigation. We have used descriptive methods and field observations to gather data. The inferential s tatis tic T tes t and descriptive s tatis tics have also been applied for analysis of the data. The real es tate rent gap theory of Neil Smith is one of the mos t important theories about the subs titution of social classes as the gentrification approach. The Marxis t theoris ts explain the gentrification process using the real es tate rent gap hypothesis. The value gap hypothesis was also outlined by Hament and Randolf. When the value gap between non-accommodated houses and reformed occupied house is the maximum, the gentrification process is occurring. Lee’s humanism individualis tic view is another gentrification approach in which the discussions mainly emphasize on the cultural preferences and demographic traits of the grandee and fulsome individuals. The results of the criteria and the indices of the approach for the Ochdokan have indicated that high level of literacy and social income as well as absence of eminent practitioners in the locality are representative of homogenous economic and job s tructure in the neighborhood. In other words, not only the social s tructure of the neighborhood is homogenous, but it is also homogenous in economic s tructure. Negligible presence of non-aboriginal residents as lessee in the area show low value of rent gap and also value gap for the neighborhood. Therefore, the s tages
of leaving, release, and subs titution of the non-aboriginal migrant groups should occur as the initial necessity for the gentrification process via market forces. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the residents, provide them with inves tment opportunities and improve the physical condition. Analysis of the data for the firs t hypothesis from SPSS has indicated that the hypothesis is significant (Alpha < 0.05). So the hull hypothesis is rejected. According to the results, with a 95% of confidence, it can be concluded that applying the gentrification had unsuitable impacts upon the revitalization of the Ochdokan.

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