تبیین مفهوم منظر آیینی و بررسی جلوه های تبلور آن
Inves tigation Of The Ritualis tic Concept: Crys tallizing Its Effects

منظر پدیدهای عینی-ذهنی است که در پی فهم انسان از محیط شکل گرفته و در بستر تاریخ و زمان اشکال مختلف به خود میگیرد. در این میان گاه منظر با مفاهیم هویت بخشی همچون فرهنگ و آیین عجین شده و جلوههای عینی و ذهنی ویژهای را با توجه به موقعیت-های مکانی خاص، بوجود آورده است. از این رو این مقاله سعی دارد تا با واکاوی مفاهیم منظر و آیین و بازشناسی مفهوم منظر آیینی، جلوههای ظهور آن در ایران را شناسایی نماید. روش تحقیق این مقاله، از نوع کیفی است و ترکیبی از روش تحقیق تحلیلی-توصیفی و استنادی بکار برده شده است. بر این اساس با استفاده از روش کتابخانهای و بهرهگیری از منابع معتبر نوشتاری، طیف گستردهای از منابع مرتبط با منظر و آیین مطالعه گردید و با بررسی تطبیقی، به شیوه استنباطی و استنتاجی به تحلیل مصادیق ارائه شده از منظر آیینی و وجوه آن پرداخته شده است.
The landscape is an objective-minded phenomenon shaped by human unders tanding of the environment and takes on different forms in the context of his tory and time. In the meantime, the paradigm has been created with concepts of identity, such as culture and religion, and created specific objective and mental effects with respect to particular spatial situations. The core of the cultural landscape is seen by three elements: environment, time, and man. The two-way relationship between each of these factors leads to the creation of a new element. Human beings reminisce about time
and shape his tory, which is one of the main corners tones of culture in human life and human his tory (requiring space to remain in time). The presence of human beings in the environment and its experience lead to the formation of space, where human presence is meaningful, and the agent that creates the dimension of memory and creation of the mind in the landscape. Rites are a symbolic social show that appears under certain conditions in the community, and it is up to the people of the community to act in that particular way. Rites in all human societies are sacred acts and the members of a community feel committed to them. The ritualis tic aspect is part of a cultural perspective that reflects on the cus toms, ceremonies, religions and religious rituals. Ceremonies such as the Nowruz ceremony in Iran, the celebration of cherry blossoms in Japan, the celebration of watering in Thailand, cheesecloth in the UK, and many others are nature-shaped ceremonies, rooted in respect for natural elements. The ritualis tic view as a subset of the perspective and as an important part of the cultural landscape is considered to be the reaction of society to its spiritual needs. The ritualis tic view as a subset of the landscape and culture has the same characteris tics of both. According to the definitions given in the ritual section, the ritualis tic aspect is initially formed in the context of nature, because nature, the bed and the creator of the elements cons titute the ritual. Nature is the context in which man and his tory are formed, and their interaction with nature leads to the creation of culture and religion. Perhaps the s tronges t link in the nature and cus toms of the people can be found in ritual and sacred centers. From the pas t, living near human nature has been very important to human beings. Therefore, this paper tries to identify the effects of its appearance in Iran by examining the concepts of the landscape and the ritual and the recognition of the ritualis tic concept. The qualitative design was used in this paper combining an analytical-descriptive with citation research method. Therefore, using a library method along with using authoritative sources, and a wide range of sources related to the landscape and religion was s tudied. By comparative s tudy, inferential and inference method was used to analyze the cases presented in the ritualis tic viewpoint and its aspects have been addressed.

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