تأثیر سرعت گرایی بر تحولات ساختار شهر در مقیاس جهانی و ایران (مطالعه موردی: شهر شیراز)
The Impact of Speed on Transformations of Urban Structures in Global and Iranian Scale (Case Study: Shiraz City)

سرعت در قالب فناوریهای مدرن اخیر، به تغییرات گسترده، شتابان و غیرمنطیق بر بستر اجتماعی-کالبدی شهرها دامن زده است. هدف کلان و نظری این نوشتار، بررسی ابعاد گوناگون سرعت، برقراری ارتباط دوسویه میان مفاهیم سرعت و ساختار شهر از طریق استخراج و دسته بندی اعصار چندگانه سرعت در مقیاس جهانی و ایران، و مقایسه تحلیلی-انطباقی آنها میباشد. هدف خرد و عملیاتی موضوع، بدست آوردن محورهای چندحرکتی-چندسرعتی تأثیرگذار بر شکل دهی به ساختار شهر شیراز است. بدین ترتیب با بکارگیری روش چیدمان فضا و معیار ارزش همپیوندی در ساختار شهر شیراز در چهار عصر سرعت بدست آمده؛ همچنین بررسی تفصیلی عصر حاضر در قالب تحلیل زیرساختهای فیزیکی، مجازی و شیوه های گوناگون سفر، به پراکندگی و تعدد محورهای عمدتاً شرقی-غربی، چندحرکتی-چندسرعتی با تمرکز بیشتر در بافت میانه شهر شیراز پی برده شده است. بر این اساس با پیوستگی و پخشایش متعادل محورهای بدست آمده، دستیابی به ساختار شهری منسجم میسر میشود.
Speed as a matter of mobility lies at the core of the modernity. It overcomes the physical dis tances by various modes of transportation, and is able to dis tribute data and information through telecommunication tools. Generally, the challenge created by speed is its sudden and has ty effect in a physical or even virtual environment which can lead to non conformities
and a kind of disruption in present function of the sys tem and would be harmful to the new agent, the environment itself or other users of it. So the pervasive impact of speed in changing communities and the human settlements is revealed. In detailed point of view, the s tudy of variety of technological tools and the plurality of physical infras tructures in Shiraz urban s tructure shows the emergence of multiple speeds that led to the complexity, extension and dispersion of the city. Therefore, this amount of change in a short period of time caused a serious problem especially in measurement
and evaluation of the city's s tructure. On this basis, the goal of this article is to gain a comprehensive view of speed, furthermore achieving an interrelationship between speed and urban s tructure is considered. This is inves tigated and analyzed through four speed ages extracted in both global and national scale. The objectives would be obtaining the urban corridors in the s tructure of Shiraz city in four speed ages which has the highes t potential of mobility and this is coinciding with the definition of speed extracted in the epochs mentioned before. The proof of this claim is performed through space syntax analysis and its mos t practical criterion which is called the integration value. Moreover, in order to carry out a comprehensive and detailed inves tigation of speed in the present age, the
s tudy of different modes of transportation comprised of bus corridors, special taxi corridors and metro s tations is done. Also the network analysis in physical context which has been done through space syntax, is applied. Besides, the virtual infras tructure of two main telephone portables in Iranian networks including Irancell and MCI coverage is s tudied. The overlapping of the above maps results the multi mobility-multi speed corridors in the s tructure of Shiraz which is comprised of a wide range of speed between minimum and maximum rate in the categories of natural speed, mechanical speed and virtual speed. These corridors achieve their multi functional characteris tics through a his torical and evolutionary process. The aforementioned corridors are the main s treets ending to the five entrances of Shiraz city, number of corridors agglomerated in central part of city, and many eas t-wes t corridors versus few north-south corridors
scattered in different city directions. As a result, in order to make a coherent and integrated s tructure, it is important to consider proper dis tribution of corridors in the north-south direction along with eas t-wes t direction also making an appropriate connection between these directions is sugges ted. The augmentation and reinforcement of south and eas t corridors together with north and wes t, also s trengthening and emphasizing on the corridors connected to the peripheral settlements is recommended.

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