بررسی کیفیت زندگی در روستاهای دربآستانه و باباپشمان استان لرستان
Investigating the Lifestyle Quality in Darbastaneh and Baba-Pashman Villages in the Lorestan Province

پایین بودن سطح کیفیت زندگی در سکونتگاههای روستایی پیامدهای اجتماعی، اقتصادی، کالبدی و محیطی بسیاری در این مناطق بدنبال دارد. از طرفی بهبود کیفیت زندگی در روستاها میتواند زمینه های توسعه منطقهای را فراهم نماید لذا توجه به موضوع کیفیت زندگی در مفاهیم توسعه روستایی در سالهای اخیر از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردار شده است. هدف از این تحقیق، بررسی مؤلفههای سازنده کیفیت زندگی در روستاهای دربآستانه و باباپشمان استان لرستان است که پس از زلزله سال 1385 جابه جا شده اند. تحقیق حاضر از نوع توصیفی، تحلیلی و پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری شامل خانوارهای ساکن در دو روستای باباپشمان و دربآستانه بودهاند که جمعیت آنها به ترتیب 500 و 860 نفر میباشد. نمونهگیری براساس طبقهبندی صورت گرفته و تعداد نمونه ها براساس سهم جمعیتی هر روستا توزیع و پرسشگری از آنها بهصورت تصادفی انجام شده است. براساس جدول مورگان حجم نمونه برای دو روستا با سطح اطمینان 95 درصد به ترتیب 100و 120 نفر انتخاب شده و داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. پس از شناسایی مؤلفههای تأثیرگذار بر بهبود کیفیت زندگی روستاییان معادله ای رگرسیونی برای سنجش کیفیتزندگی مشخص شد که بر آن اساس در روستای باباپشمان 81 درصد و در روستای درب آستانه 64 درصد بدست آمد. تحلیل واریانس نیز حاکی از تفاوت بین مؤلفههای مشخص شده بود که براساس آزمون بنفرونی تفاوت بین سطوح مؤلفههای مشخص شده، تعیین گردید. نتایج این پژوهش حاکی از آن است که هر دو روستا از سطح کیفیت زندگی مطلوبی برخودار میباشند.
In the recent years, the strategic planning based on sustainability approach at the level of rural settlements has attracted particular attention. Accordingly, considering the disaster-prone characteristic of Iran and on the other hand, the adoption of the relocation policy in many of the rural settlements reconstruction after disasters, attention to the concept of life quality and the economic, social and cultural situation of villagers have been acted a very important role in the upcoming reconstructions planning. The low quality of life in rural areas and as a result, the migration of villagers to major cities, has pursued the numerous problems both in rural areas and in cities. The villagers' dissatisfaction of the life quality in rural settlements has been many social, economic, physical and environmental consequences in these areas. Intervention in rural settlements without identifying and considering components affecting the life quality of villagers caused the loss of the sense of belonging and the historic identity, the tribe dispersion, the destruction of the village physical integrity, and also the social and economic networks detachment, and in some cases desolating the constructed units without inhabitants or migration of villagers to cities and/or the surrounding villages. On the other hand, improving the life quality in villages can provide regional development opportunities. Therefore, attention to the life quality issue in rural development concepts is of great importance. The life quality possess the aspects of different issues together that can be defined in terms of objective and subjective dimensions. The life quality criteria are affected by the existence of unique natural, social, economic, and physical-spatial characteristics in the villages. In this study, based on the conducted investigations, the constructive dimensions of the life quality of villagers are defined as the qualities of education, health, infrastructures, security, residential environment, access to information, social welfare, location, employment and income, and solidarity and Social participation. According to the conceptual framework of studies about the rural’s living quality, it is possible to present a complete picture of the living quality by utilizing its parameters, which consists of the mentioned dimensions; these dimensions were studied in the Darbastaneh and Baba-pashman villages of Lorestan province as the reviewed and studied villages of this study after ten years of their formation. The present study is descriptive, analytical and survey. The statistical population consisted of inhabited households in two villages of Baba-pashman and Darbastaneh which their population respectively were been 500 and 860. Sampling was done according to classification and the number of samples was distributed according to the population's share of each village and their inquiry was selected randomly. According to Morgan table, sample rate for two villages with 95% confidence level respectively was selected 100 and 120, and data were analyzed through SPSS software. After identifying the effective components on improving the living quality of the villagers, the regression equation was defined to assess the living quality. Based on this, the living quality in the Baba-Pashman village were accrued 81% and 64% in the Darbastaneh village. Also the variance analysis indicated the difference between the specified components. Based on Bonferron's test, the differences between the levels of the specified components were determined. The results of this study indicate that both villages have a good quality of life.

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