سنجش و تحلیل قواعد نظری مسکن مطلوب با تکیه بر آرای مردم
Evaluation and Analysis of the Theoretical Principles of Desirable Housing According to the Opinions of the Citizens

پرداختن به وجوه مختلف مسکن مطلوب و مؤلفههای اصلی تبیینکننده آن یکی از دغدغههای اصلی متخصصین این حوزه است. مشخص است که دستیابی هرچه صریحتر و عملیتر به این مؤلفهها، از به خطا رفتن و به همان نسبت هدر رفتن سرمایههای کلان اجتماعی و اقتصادی و فرهنگی جلوگیری میکند. به استناد غالب پژوهشهایی که در زمینه ارتقای کیفیت مسکن صورت گرفته است نقش مردم بهعنوان عامل تعیینکننده و تثبیتکننده کیفیت مسکن، انکارناپذیر است. لذا پژوهش پیشرو با این فرض صورت پذیرفته است که مردم برای سنجش کیفیت مکان سکونت خود، قائل به اصول و قواعدی هستند که قابل بازشناسی است. لاجرم این اصول و قواعد، وجوه پیدای مسکن تا زوایای درونی و پنهان آنرا در بر میگیرد. مطلوبیت کالبدی، مطلوبیت کارکردی، مطلوبیت اجتماعی و مطلوبیت فرهنگی چهار بعد سنجش مطلوبیت مسکن در این پژوهش است که با روش تحلیلی، توصیفی و تبدیل دادههای کیفی به متغیرهای کمی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است، بخشی از اطلاعات کیفی مورد نیاز با رجوع به منابع اسنادی و کتابخانهای و بخش دیگر به وسیله پیمایش میدانی گردآوری شده است. جامعه آماری منتخب، 420 نفر از مردم هستند که براساس نمونهگیری تصادفی در سه محدوده از پهنه مرکزی بافت شهر تهران انتخاب شدهاند. جهت آزمون فرصیات، ابتدا روایی و پایایی سازه تحقیق توسط تحلیل عاملی تأییدی (با توجه به ضریب اطمینان مورد نظر) بررسی و بار عاملی هر یک از مؤلفهها ارزیابی شده است. سپس مدل معادلات ساختاری، تنظیم و برآیند نیروهای تحقیق با نرمافزار لیزرل تحلیل و تفسیر شده است. نتایج تحقیق بیانگر این محتوای کلی است که مردم در سنجش خوب بودن خانه خود به ترتیب بیشترین اهمیت را برای مؤلفههای اجتماعی، فرهنگی، کالبدی و کارکردی قائل هستند. تحلیل فضای سکونت، از نگاه مردم تأکید بر این مفهوم کلی است که کیفیتهای دیدنی و نادیدنی مسکن مطلوب، میبایست در یک فرایند تجربی توسط خود مردم درک شده، مورد استفاده و آزمون قرار گیرد و سپس توسط خود مردم تعمیم یافته و فراگیر شود.
Focus on different aspects of desirable ideal housing and its explaining elements is one of the main concerns of the experts in this field. It is obvious that a clear and scientific achievement of these elements prevents the fault and therefore loss of substantial socioeconomic and cultural assets. According to the most of the studies that were done with the aim of raising the housing quality, role of the people as the defying, conforming factor on the quality of housing is undeniable. Indeed the following research is done based on the presumption that people believe into a set of principles and rules for evaluating their own place of residence which is recognizable. Physical desirability, functional desirability, social desirability and cultural desirability are the four dimensions for evaluating utility in this research which is resulted in the analytical, descriptive method, and by converting qualitative data into the quantitative data, a portion of demanding qualitative information is collected by referring to documentative and library resources and the other part is gathered by the field research. The selected statistical population is a number of 420 citizens which are selected based on a random sampling in three areas of the central texture of Tehran city. In order to test the theories, validity, and reliability of the research structure is analyzed according to the considered coefficient of certainty and the factor weight for each of them are evaluated. Then, the structural equations model is formulated and the results of the study forces with were analyzed and interpreted by Lisrel software.
Results of the research indicate this general content in which people have the most preferences for the social, cultural, physical and functional factors on testing their housing units. Analysing the living space from the viewpoint of people has an emphasis on this general concept in which the visible and invisible qualities of desirable housing should be discerned, used and tested in an empirical process by the people themselves, and then will be extended and spread. People consider two general judgements on deciding the quality of their housing unit: Their assumptions in relation to their physical character of the living space which is extendable into physical and functional indexes and the second set includes emotions and assumptions that depend on their social and cultural preferences. According to the preferences of the first group which include the external and evident aspect of the ideal housing, results of the research shows that people have a more focus on the internal qualities of the house more than the exterior attributes. Proper collective spaces and suitable spaces for the formation of family bonds like a space for serving the guests has the most coefficient in the viewpoint of the people, and it can be considered as the minimum expectations that they have from their living spaces. Although the exterior attributes including proper facades and fine landscapes as the effective factors but they have a lower level of significance compared with the exterior attributes. Therefore, in respect with the judgement of the second type of people, research factors which includes the hidden and implicit aspects and significances of desirable housing, we can clearly realize that people learning even the hidden meanings beyond forms from each other, and they only pay effort on this type of rendering over unlike an intrinsic view to observe through the meaning closures and hidden concepts beyond forms. Therefore, the factors of the sense of familiarity, and association together with cultural signs and symbols have the highest coefficients on explaining the identity aspects of the housing. . They prefer to live in similar houses with their neighbors and live with their own cultural and identity courses with their families. Therefore the visible and non-visible attributes of desirable housing should be perceived in an empirical process by the people themselves, then it should be used and tested and should eventually be generalized and extended by the people.

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